Comets photographed by David Anderson GM4JJJ
Comet Hale-Bopp (1997) seen from Fife, Scotland.
Comet Hale-Bopp displaying two tails soars past the Earth. 9th April 1997 21:20UTC
Kodak Ektar 1000, 50mm lens, f2, 15 seconds exposure.
Comet Hyakutake (1996) seen from Fife, Scotland.

26th March 1996 The Great Comet is near Polaris with clouds lit by sodium street lighting
Kodak Ektar 1000, 50mm lens, f1.8, 15 seconds exposure.
All Photographs © David Anderson 1996

23:30UTC 26th March 1996
Comet Hyakutake with my radio antennas in the foreground.
Kodak Ektar 1000, 50mm lens, f1.8, 15 seconds exposure. Cropped Frame.
Starry Night Chart of above Photograph

The map was produced with Starry Night - a superb piece of Apple Macintosh software by Sienna Software Inc.